Childcare Week 2016 - Impressions
The week of May 30th 2016 was the Regional Nunavik Childcare Week.
This is the time of the year that childcare centres’ staff members, board of directors’ members, families and children celebrate the Nunavik Childcare. A total 1005 places are distributed in 19 facilities throughout Nunavik’s communities. The 14 childcare centres offer over 250 full-time job positions, including educators, directors, cooks and janitors.
2016 Childcare Centre Directors' and Board Members' Training in Kuujjuaq
The childcare centres’ board members and centre directors came together for training in Kuujjuaq from March 8th to 10th. Organised by the KRG Childcare section, the purpose of this training was to teach them more about their roles and responsibilities. This training gave everybody the opportunity to learn about the administration of a childcare centre. Budget management, funding criteria and payroll processing were among the subjects that were addressed during this training.
Bookmaking Workshops in Kuujjuaq and Puvirnituq
True North strong and free
Vladyana Krykorka-Johnson came to Kuujjuaq and Puvirnituq to share here knowledge in bookmaking with both communities. She has now published some notes about her experience:
Part I - Kuujjuaq:
Part II - Puvirnituq:
Health Canada Click-Info: Health and Safety
Health Canada has published the February 2015 Click-Info:
Download the February 2015 Click-Info (PDF).
Kuujjuaq Bookmaking Workshop for Childcare Educators
Within the framework of the Esuma initiative, a bookmaking workshop was held in Kuujjuaq last December with the Iqitauvik childcare centre team.
Eight educators and the Iqitauvik centre director participated in the creation of Inuit children story books.
The author, Michael Kusugak, and the illustrator, Vladyana Krykorka, successfully organised and gave the 3 day workshop.
From left to right: Vicki Kulula, Elisapee Angma, Maryse Turcot, Susan Tuglavina, Michael Kusugaq, Eva Saunders, Vladyana Krykorka, Sandra Shield, Penina Kleist, Larissa Anahatak and Betsy Hubloo. Absent on the picture: Kitty Angatuk